I am...
Not your perfect girl.
Not your gullible goody goody girl.
Not your pride who you can brag to everyone.
I want...
To be considerated like a human being who has flaws.
To be respected for my values and my opinions.
To be proud of my own achievements.
Yes I have...
Western values.
Canadian thinking.
Canadian way of acting.
Don't need to...
Tell me a certain way of thinking is the way to go.
Tell me what to do for the rest of my life when I didn't ask you for advices.
Tell me who to trust and who not to trust... With nothing to back up, you are not credible.
You know what? I fucking love the way I am now and I am not going to fit in your damn idealistic criteria of what a normal person should be like.
Not many people will accept the way you are and look down on you because of your family situation or reputation, the way you look/dress/think/expressed yourself,etc. You know what? I say forget about them. Accept the way you are and try to improve on things that make YOU happy. It's easier to say than do... All it takes is the willpower to do it... Just be strong.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Been busy lately
I've been busy...
--> Study for my exams that are coming this week and next week.
--> Working more than the minimum hours suggested because I can't take Sunday off till next week.
--> Shopping for boots available in the stores.
--> Shopping for winter sweaters and pants(other than jeans).
--> Need a new camera to take pictures (Dad mistreat the one he gave me because it's not his anymore... -.-")
Oh yeah... Thinking how much money to bring for my trip to China. Baah... Only China unfortunatly due to the lack of available flight after the 5th and 24th of January. I'm still debating about the amount of money I will bring with me. I like the clothes in Morocco though sometimes they appear too trendy to my liking. BUT... If the clothes are anywhere close to Japan and Korea clothes. Then... Hell yeah gotta buy them! Especially accessories... Like bags and earrings!! =D I hope to find good quality clothes at a very good price. Not to forget... Have to enjoy the food there! =D Can't miss that!
Anyways, I'll think about that later. Gotta go study psychology...
--> Study for my exams that are coming this week and next week.
--> Working more than the minimum hours suggested because I can't take Sunday off till next week.
--> Shopping for boots available in the stores.
--> Shopping for winter sweaters and pants(other than jeans).
--> Need a new camera to take pictures (Dad mistreat the one he gave me because it's not his anymore... -.-")
Oh yeah... Thinking how much money to bring for my trip to China. Baah... Only China unfortunatly due to the lack of available flight after the 5th and 24th of January. I'm still debating about the amount of money I will bring with me. I like the clothes in Morocco though sometimes they appear too trendy to my liking. BUT... If the clothes are anywhere close to Japan and Korea clothes. Then... Hell yeah gotta buy them! Especially accessories... Like bags and earrings!! =D I hope to find good quality clothes at a very good price. Not to forget... Have to enjoy the food there! =D Can't miss that!
Anyways, I'll think about that later. Gotta go study psychology...
Friday, October 17, 2008
You are not saving money when...
You buy something at a cheap price(i.e brown leggings 10$) that goes with practically nothing in your wardrobe. To be able to wear the friken leggings, you have to buy shirts to match with it (Not smart). Why not just buy something that goes with most of what you have in your wardrobe rather than buying something that do not match with anything in your wardrobe. Power shopping = BAD. You get limited time to shop therefore, you are bound to make mistakes on your purchase. I'll be keeping the leggings in case I find something but I have to try not to make stupid mistake like this again -.-". I hate wasting money on things that are not useful to me. The person that I shop with give great advices but I have to make the final decision. Don't need persuation because 1. It's my money 2. I have something better to do with my money than buying clothes that barely match with what I have 3. We don't have the same level of spending habit.
One advice that can be accepted or not: leggings are not pants people... Please wear them with a long t-shirt that cover your ass and your camel toe. -.-" Celebrities also make fashion mistakes... Sometimes, they wear the ugliest thing in the world, it does not make them acceptable to wear it.
By the way, purple shirt and brown leggings are a HORRIBLE match. Oh the horror of trying both on...
One advice that can be accepted or not: leggings are not pants people... Please wear them with a long t-shirt that cover your ass and your camel toe. -.-" Celebrities also make fashion mistakes... Sometimes, they wear the ugliest thing in the world, it does not make them acceptable to wear it.
By the way, purple shirt and brown leggings are a HORRIBLE match. Oh the horror of trying both on...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Good comments lately
Lately, I've been receiving flattery comments from people. It's always nice to receive some good comments from people around me. Especially from Kiwii, Tarynn, Myriam and my English teacher.
Here are the following that I remember:
Kiwii wrote in a blog:
"Tina is changing a lot. she is maturing, criticizing less (waTCHES HER TONGUE), having more trust which helps her stress level and be able to worry about her own things. She changed style to a very unique style and has become a little more open. She is also aware of her actions and works hard to improve her mistakes, I can't be any more proud of her. GOOD JOB TINA"
My comment: Maybe I mature a lot after summer. I criticise less... You see.. I got this trait from my parents. They are the kinds of people who seek perfection from others, they like to talk about other people mistakes than their own. I am in no way more perfect than anybody else, so I try to watch my tongue and be more chill about it. About my clothing style.. Wow! I have a unique style... Well I try to match clothing that is more my liking. I guess I have my own of dressing way of dressing myself. I am open! =.=" Just not in everything... Ah well.
"We can recognize you in a room full of people because of the way you dress."
My comment: REALLY?! O.O
"I love your outfit! It's so cute."
My comment: *blush* thanks! =D
English teacher:
"The way you write is very clear."
My comment: =D
It's always nice to receive some compliments especially at the way I dress. I love clothes especially going through my closet to see what kind of mix & match I can make with the things I have. It's all about having fun with my clothes. My wardrobe is growing every week or two with new pieces. Hopefully, I will try to continue to have fun with my wardrobe this winter. I am getting pretty good at finding outfits in spring, summer and fall time. Oh yeah... I am happy to hear an English teacher commenting on my writting. I love to express myself in writting.
By the way, I got 95% on my English summaries!! ^.^ Thanks Tarynn for helping me correcting it!
Here are the following that I remember:
Kiwii wrote in a blog:
"Tina is changing a lot. she is maturing, criticizing less (waTCHES HER TONGUE), having more trust which helps her stress level and be able to worry about her own things. She changed style to a very unique style and has become a little more open. She is also aware of her actions and works hard to improve her mistakes, I can't be any more proud of her. GOOD JOB TINA"
My comment: Maybe I mature a lot after summer. I criticise less... You see.. I got this trait from my parents. They are the kinds of people who seek perfection from others, they like to talk about other people mistakes than their own. I am in no way more perfect than anybody else, so I try to watch my tongue and be more chill about it. About my clothing style.. Wow! I have a unique style... Well I try to match clothing that is more my liking. I guess I have my own of dressing way of dressing myself. I am open! =.=" Just not in everything... Ah well.
"We can recognize you in a room full of people because of the way you dress."
My comment: REALLY?! O.O
"I love your outfit! It's so cute."
My comment: *blush* thanks! =D
English teacher:
"The way you write is very clear."
My comment: =D
It's always nice to receive some compliments especially at the way I dress. I love clothes especially going through my closet to see what kind of mix & match I can make with the things I have. It's all about having fun with my clothes. My wardrobe is growing every week or two with new pieces. Hopefully, I will try to continue to have fun with my wardrobe this winter. I am getting pretty good at finding outfits in spring, summer and fall time. Oh yeah... I am happy to hear an English teacher commenting on my writting. I love to express myself in writting.
By the way, I got 95% on my English summaries!! ^.^ Thanks Tarynn for helping me correcting it!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Happy election day
I went voting around 9 pm. Hopefully, I did my job as a citizen... Anyways, I am really disappointed at the huge number of young adults that are not going to vote in any election, saying that they are all corrupted. So... I say, we shall have a dictatorship in the future and nobody need to vote again. Next thing we know, all those people who didn't bother to vote are going to whine about wanting to have a democracy again. If Obama is the new hope for the US politic, then maybe someday we will have a good candidate like him. Then again, I doubt all the people who claim politic is corrupted will actually pay attention to it and still say there's no hope in this country.

I told GuiGui to strike a pose... He said: Why do you mean by striking a pose?
me kinda... LOL
Throughout the day, I spend time with Kiwii and GuiGui. I also went shopping with Kiwii and she made me try all kind of style, I like the clothes so far but... Going shopping only with her from now on... Eum... I would like to have my own shopping time by myself and my friends too, not just one shopping partner. You know... I think it's better because I can discover my own personal style with different people with me.
I brought along my camera to take pictures :
Kiwii doing the superman pose with her superman t-shirt
Monday, October 13, 2008
How I hate psychology
I hate psychology... I hate psychology! I feel like it's useless to take psychology and I am really not interested. Teacher may be passionable at what he teaches but his notes are shitty. Not to mention he talks TOO FAST and don't know what to write down!! Grrr... I should have drop this class since day 1. Should have listen to my instinct . Darn it! Tomorrow I'm spending the whole day studying this crap!!! >.<"
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Cute bento creation
I finish late on Monday to Wednesday, and I get hungry before my last class. I am thinking... Maybe I should buy those cute bento box to put my lunch and my snack in... I can decorate however I want. Since I keep spending food in the cafeteria... I can save lots of money that way and be creative with it!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Early Thanksgiving dinner
Tarynn invited me to her house for an early thanksgiving dinner with four of her friends. The food was good especially the mash patotoes... I am a BIG fan of mash potatoes!! Hers are the best ones so far!! I had a good time there but nothing in common with my friend's friends.
I didn't take my camera with me to take any pictures of the event. Ah well... It was my first thanksgiving dinner... O.O
I didn't take my camera with me to take any pictures of the event. Ah well... It was my first thanksgiving dinner... O.O
Friday, October 10, 2008
Mid-term is coming! Relax...
Okay mid-term is here... Time to study. To relieve myself some stress on a Friday afternoon, I went biking and I made myself a homemade hammam. An arabic kind of spa.
Here's the definition(In French by the way):
What I need:
Savon noir aux huiles essentielles (doesn't smell good and it's a good product to make the skin easier to peel off with a black glove):
Here's the definition(In French by the way):
What I need:
Savon noir aux huiles essentielles (doesn't smell good and it's a good product to make the skin easier to peel off with a black glove):
The inside (Not a very nice view LOL):
Black glove is to rub the death skin off and the green/yellow glove is the final process (Put body wash soap and rub it all over the body):
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Have to start being serious
My grades have been average so far... *Sigh* Not good enought! I need to get better grades. Have to become studious and study early instead at the last minute.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy birthday to my besfriend...
KIWII!! It's her 20th birthday today! =) Hope you'll have a good wednesday and be prepare to take pictures with me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A dream coming true
*restraining her excitement....* *EXPLODE* OMG!! I'm going to CHINA this winter!!! OMG OMG OMG.... OMG!!!! I'm going to travel again this year!!!! O.O Dad is not kidding this time, he is going to buy the flight tickets... I can't believe I'm going to China this year... I've been waiting all these years... Ever since I was born.
Okay... Okay... First, gotta save my money and oh... Tell my boss and hear his angry voice, probably will fire me! Because I'm going there for five weeks! Who cares! O.O One of my ultimate dream destination!! Yes yes!!
Then pack... Oh first... Don't spend any $$ from now on. X.X
I'm going for about five weeks O.O probably will visit Vietnam or Thailand. Hihihi...
Okay... Okay... First, gotta save my money and oh... Tell my boss and hear his angry voice, probably will fire me! Because I'm going there for five weeks! Who cares! O.O One of my ultimate dream destination!! Yes yes!!
Then pack... Oh first... Don't spend any $$ from now on. X.X
I'm going for about five weeks O.O probably will visit Vietnam or Thailand. Hihihi...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Don't need a wardrobe change... Change your hairstyle
Another way to make the wardrobe more interesting is to change the hairstyle often... Well not 4 to 5 times a year, more like maybe twice a year. My first semester in college, I tried the curly hairstyle. At the end of the second semester, I tried a shorter hairstyle than what I'm used to... At the third semester, I tried bangs. My wardrobe didn't change which save me a lot of money. Whenever I get a new hairstyle, I get anxious at how it will look with my current clothes. Well it turns out great in the end! Definitely going to concentrate on my hairstyle from now on.
Kiwii's right, hairstyle makes you a different person.
I am loving my bangs but it's so hard to manage it sometimes and I need to go to the salon often to keep it like that. Well... If I want to keep it for the rest of the semester or I can always cut it by myself or ask a friend. Hehe...
Kiwii's right, hairstyle makes you a different person.
I am loving my bangs but it's so hard to manage it sometimes and I need to go to the salon often to keep it like that. Well... If I want to keep it for the rest of the semester or I can always cut it by myself or ask a friend. Hehe...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I looked like that??!!
Yesterday, I went to my old friends facebook to check out their picture and to see what's up with them lately. Well... I found a picture of me that I never knew it existed.

From a friend msn space:

Some of the pictures were taken in 2005-2006... Now we are in 2008 going on 2009. How was I back then? Really unconfident... Just look at those postures! Me slouching on most of the pictures... I am definitely more confident than a few years ago, thank god those days are long gone. =)
Pictures are a good way to remember how we used to look like. Good thing people took pictures of me. Haha..It reminds me... I need to bring my camera along to make more memories.
P.S: I thought I look good at 16... Damn I dress so bad. =P

I also asked my Swiss friend to send me pictures he took of me in Vancouver 05, seriously... I am still amazed at how I used to look like:

Pictures are a good way to remember how we used to look like. Good thing people took pictures of me. Haha..It reminds me... I need to bring my camera along to make more memories.
P.S: I thought I look good at 16... Damn I dress so bad. =P
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Positive work atmosphere
Today at work, it was overall good. I love working with Fred, Christiane and... Bobby (*Snif*), they make the work atmosphere a whole lot more enjoyable. Though, I didn't sleep well these past few days. I made a few mistakes but that is okay... I have to get a fix time to wake up every morning to avoid being tired and... Not miss any more morning classes. I am the worst when it comes to waking up at 6 am or 7 am. Sure I manage to get in time at work around 7 am and 8 am. Obviously, it is 10 min of walk away from my house and I don't need to bring much with me.

When it comes to taking pictures, I am super shy... Not much of a camwhore.
I noticed a few weeks ago... There's a lot of drama going on at work. Especially with some of my collegues, they are having a hard time with their life. Seriously, I think no matter what the circonstance is, we should remain positive... It's hard but we have to try. That is what I'm trying to do now, think positively. There's always a way out in any situation.
After work, I took a short 1 hour nap and at 6:10 pm, I took the bus to go to GuiGui house to eat dinner with his family. I am happy that his mom invited me to dinner... Never really expected that. =O I am happy to be liked by my boyfriend's mom... I tried my best to be presentable.
Here my outfit of the day (It was a little random and it turned out good... Well GuiGui likes it LOL):
Friday, October 3, 2008
Being strong
Everything that happends here... No matter what, I will be strong. I will take on a different path and try to be the best person I could ever be. I say no to corruption, no to violence, no to hatred... Before I fix what is outside, I must fix the inside first...

How I miss my Morocco family... Wish I could go back to experience the warm of a real family.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Finally receive my chapters gift card!!
Check the mail when I got back to school today, I received my chapters 50$ gift card from airmiles!! Can I say hourray?!! Woohooo!! Now I can go buy books and CDs online for free!! I got the airmiles points from my dad, since he never uses it. He lets me use it for educational purpose.

Here the review from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/product-description/1594201293/ref=dp_proddesc_0?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books

Why don't I buy new CDs? I don't know. I still haven't decide yet what I really want to buy. Those are just my picks so far.
I'm going to buy books... Books that I am interested to read:

Here the review from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/product-description/1594201293/ref=dp_proddesc_0?ie=UTF8&n=283155&s=books
CDs that I want to buy:
Why don't I buy new CDs? I don't know. I still haven't decide yet what I really want to buy. Those are just my picks so far.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My recent discovery
I read fashion forums sometimes to find something new... Well, I found a fashion site where real people wear fashionable clothes and they show them off in this website. I really love how some people there assemble their clothes and it shows us that even normal people can look good not just models.
Many members there inspired me to get out of my box and explore with my clothes more. I feel like going on a shopping spree on Mount-Royal streets, websites like Amazon... Ebay or somewhere to find unique clothes. Even thrift stores for god sake!! I'm sick and tired of going to mainstream stores and find the same trendy stuff. People here often opted for the casual look, jeans with t-shirt. It's good but if you love clothes, you will get sick of wearing the same darn thing over and over again!! That's why I want to diversify my closet. At the same time, I don't want to spend too much on fashionable things... Taste changes over time. That's why I buy stuffs that are not too trendy, more toward classic. I prefer to concentrate on accessories... But those people make me want to go all out!! Hehe... Okay Christina... Calm down. The clothes that you have are fine...
Here the site: http://www.chictopia.com/
One thing for sure... I will never ever be as stylish as them. Unless I get out of my little box... Yeah from now on, I'll try. This month, I will try to explore some shops when I have more time this month.
Many members there inspired me to get out of my box and explore with my clothes more. I feel like going on a shopping spree on Mount-Royal streets, websites like Amazon... Ebay or somewhere to find unique clothes. Even thrift stores for god sake!! I'm sick and tired of going to mainstream stores and find the same trendy stuff. People here often opted for the casual look, jeans with t-shirt. It's good but if you love clothes, you will get sick of wearing the same darn thing over and over again!! That's why I want to diversify my closet. At the same time, I don't want to spend too much on fashionable things... Taste changes over time. That's why I buy stuffs that are not too trendy, more toward classic. I prefer to concentrate on accessories... But those people make me want to go all out!! Hehe... Okay Christina... Calm down. The clothes that you have are fine...
Here the site: http://www.chictopia.com/
One thing for sure... I will never ever be as stylish as them. Unless I get out of my little box... Yeah from now on, I'll try. This month, I will try to explore some shops when I have more time this month.
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