Saturday, September 13, 2008

New girl on the block

This is my first ever blog... When I mean first ever, it means that I've never write a blog about my life before except money.... BUT! Money is another thing which I will not mention to often here since it's about my little progress in life.

First of all, I like to thank Angie for indirectly introduce me to this website. Initially, she just wants people to read about her life and see her load of pictures lol... I wonder if there's a limit in posting how many pictures per blog. Haha

Anyhow, I choose this blog to post because it looks perfect for me. I was not satisfied with Xanga and other websites similair to that. I guess I wasn't into it back then until now. My goal is to post as much diverse as possible in this blog because I think life is not just about luxury, clothes, hot boys,etc. It will be hard since my everyday life is repeatitive like everybody else living a normal life. However, I will try my best not be too repetitive. The reason why I set this *weird* goal is to make me get out of my little box and explore.

What you guys will mostly see in my blog is:

My search for a style that best represent me: I love clothes... ;-) ! I would like to post pictures of clothes that I've successfully mix and match. I had some outfits made out awhile ago but I never had the chance to take pictures of it. What I can say about my style; brand names are not really part of my style thus you will never see me wearing a t-shirt with Guess, Bebe or whatever. It's just not my style nor represent anyone style in particular. Why would I want to advertise their clothes anyways? I do own a few brand name things but I made sure the name is subtle enought. The clothes itself must have something that attract me especially buying at that price. I usually shop at random places that sell clothes in good quality and can easily mix and match with. I love accessories! I own many necklaces, earrings and scarves although I don't wear them to school very much because it is pretty time consuming to mix and match. If I had the time, you'll see me rocking some. My other loves are shoes and I have a habit now to look at other people shoes. If you ever come across me, don't be offended! I look at shoes if they are nice or not, I don't judge... I'm just looking *blush and smile*. Overall, I can't describe my style and I can't say that I am original. I'm just trying to find a look that satisfied me overall and not depend on trend to create a look for me.

My travelings: Traveling is my passion. I love it so much and I want to go everywhere... If only I have all the money in the world and if only the world is more easily accessible. I want to learn different cultures and get inspired... To develop my style, to broaden my view on the world, to grow... To learn about other cultures... *Daydreaming* Aaaaah... @.@ I went to Morocco last July and it was so wonderful. I'll share with you guys some pictures I took there later on.

My discoveries in my city: I like to share places that I've found interesting to share to you all. =)

My random thoughts/things I do throughout the day: I am a curious person and I need to think about little unimportant things in life.

I guess that's it for now.

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